The WebOS TV is a software product that allows you to organize OTT and VOD broadcasting on LG TVs. A single page multimedia application is designed to broadcast the content on the WebOS platforms. The application includes OTT broadcasting with integrated EPG services with the option for VoD streaming. The application has its own authorization and billing system. It enables payment by credit card and by using mobile Commerce.


WebOS, JS, RoR, PostgreSQL

The Largest Online Store

Participation in development and support of the various modules for the multi-product electronic platform that allows different categories of customers to find everything they need in one virtual storefront. The Internet retailer that combines 100% online trading with the well-developed network of logistics facilities. Logistics is based on the principles of vertical and horizontal asymmetry of the distribution of goods. This approach allows the retailer not only to store popular products closer to the customer, but also to allocate them a higher proportion of certain product lines in the specific objects. Thanks to the well-developed logistics infrastructure the platform has all the advantages of online trading and thus minimizes the time the customers spend on ordering and receiving.


IntelliJ IDEA, Maven, jQuery, Log4J, Spring IoC, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Java, MySQL, JUnit, Git

Situation centre (room)

Situation management solution is implemented in one of the largest Russian airports. The situation management solution creates business processes and helps dispatchers to follow them (giving clues on the following actions, changing the business process automatically due to the changing environment, initiating a business process on sensor actuation, monitoring execution of the current actions, displaying necessary information automatically by streaming it from the nearby cameras, displaying the current situation on the map including information from ACS and other sensors). This situation management solution focuses on the management in emergency situations as well as routine situations facilitating services operation, increasing efficiency of situation management.


Rest, JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML5, SCSS, Git

One of the airports of Moscow Aviation Hub (MAH)

Mobile application for Android devices which users can use to get relevant information about nearby objects in push notifications. After starting the application you can minimize it, the search of iBeacons is carried out in the background.


iBeacon, EasyPermission, Kontakt.io
